Install MySQL 5.5 From Source (Ubuntu/Linux)

May 16th, 2012 | By: | How to’s, MySQL howto | 2 comments »

Install MySQL from sourceWhy?…. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE?

I recently updated my home machine to Ubuntu 12.04 and found MySQL 5.5 installed as default. As happy as I was to have the latest stable MySQL server, I was a bit gutted to find that LOAD DATA LOCAL was disabled as default, due to security issues. These issues may be valid but this is my local environment and I’ve got projects that require it so thought I’d waste utilize some free time fixing it.


These are pretty simple steps in themselves but it may not necessarily end here.

How to open a terminal in Ubuntu

February 18th, 2012 | By: | How to’s, Tips, tricks & fixes (juicy bits!) | No comments »

Opening a terminal isn’t as important as it used to be in Ubuntu. Ubuntu is quite user friendly now (though some would argue it is moving against that with it’s unity interface!) but using a terminal is still as powerful as ever!

The quickest way (as always) is the keyboard shortcut, press:

Open Terminal in Ubuntu Unity

Open Terminal in Ubuntu Unity

Ubuntu is installed with the Unity dashoard as standard which can be accessed by clicking your unity icon (usually in a sidebar on the left of your screen – as the picture) and as you type “terminal” it should display the terminal icon for you to click and open.

Install Lamp Server on Ubuntu

January 14th, 2012 | By: | How to’s, PHP, Tips, tricks & fixes (juicy bits!) | 5 comments »
Install LAMP server ubuntu

Install LAMP Server – Ubuntu: The command we're all after….

Installing LAMP Server on Ubuntu is simple and possible with one command and then following the on-screen instructions:

(NOTE: All the commands here need to be typed into a terminal, open one by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.)

sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

It’s important to remember the caret (^) at the end of the command.

Thought I’d get that out the way for all the hit and runners looking for the command!

What is LAMP Server

LAMP Server is a collection of open source software used to create a web server. The collection consists of:

How to clone a partition or hard drive in Ubuntu (Linux)

November 6th, 2011 | By: | How to’s | No comments »

Cloning a hard drive can be useful for backing up (byte for byte) or moving to a new hard drive. In Ubuntu this is pretty simple, though it is important to pay attention!

We’re going to use a linux command called “dd” –  a low level copying program.

Let’s open up a terminal firstly, you can do this by:

  • opening up your accessories menu and clicking on terminal
  • opening your unity dash and typing in terminal, then clicking on it!
  • press ctrl-alt-del