Ubuntu – Minimize, Maximize and Close on the Right

April 28th, 2012 | By: | Customisation, Tips, tricks & fixes (juicy bits!) | No comments »

gconf-editor - GNOME configuration editorI don’t know why Ubuntu has decided to keep window controls in the left corner of the window. For some reason, with every release of Ubuntu I expect the window controls to be moved to the right!

Ubuntu 12.04 is no different, time to change some settings again…

Enter gconf-editor…

Gconf-editor allows you to change a lot of settings on your system. I would suggest getting to grips with this tool as you may be able to fix/modify a lot of your Ubuntu gripes here! (But as always be careful!!)

WordPress admin theme plugin

November 22nd, 2011 | By: | Customisation | 3 comments »

This is my personal WordPress admin theme that I thought I would share with the world!

I wasn’t too keen on the 2 themes provided by default and found some other WordPress admin plugins to be overkill and a bit too heavy.

Note: this theme has only been tested on WordPress 3.2.1

Why use this admin theme?

It’s simple, light and unobtrusive. It doesn’t change everything and force you to use some new icons. It’s good old WordPress admin with a lick of paint.

How to install the Sudo Juice WordPress Admin Theme

…. simple: